Moldover et al., 1965 - Google Patents
Specific Heat of He 3 and He 4 in the Neighborhood of their Critical PointsMoldover et al., 1965
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- 3104486656752405874
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- Moldover M
- Little W
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- Publication venue
- Physical Review Letters
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by C~ measure-ments on argon and oxygen,'and by velocity-of-sound measurements on helium four.' C~ o-(T-Tc)~ for some smallpositive o.(such as-',) has been suggested by Fisher'on the ba-sis of an approximate calculation on a three-dimensional Ising modeland …
- XKRFYHLGVUSROY-UHFFFAOYSA-N argon   [Ar] 0 abstract description 16
- G01N25/00—Investigating or analyzing materials by the use of thermal means
- G01N25/20—Investigating or analyzing materials by the use of thermal means by investigating the development of heat, i.e. calorimetry, e.g. by measuring specific heat, by measuring thermal conductivity
- G01N25/48—Investigating or analyzing materials by the use of thermal means by investigating the development of heat, i.e. calorimetry, e.g. by measuring specific heat, by measuring thermal conductivity on solution, sorption, or a chemical reaction not involving combustion or catalytic oxidation
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