Schuol et al., 2008 - Google Patents
Estimation of freshwater availability in the West African sub-continent using the SWAT hydrologic modelSchuol et al., 2008
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- 241902218979755112
- Author
- Schuol J
- Abbaspour K
- Srinivasan R
- Yang H
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- Publication venue
- Journal of hydrology
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Accurate knowledge of freshwater availability is indispensable for water resources management at regional or national level. This information, however, has historically been very difficult to obtain because of lack of data, difficulties in the aggregation of spatial …
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- G06F17/00—Digital computing or data processing equipment or methods, specially adapted for specific functions
- G06F17/50—Computer-aided design
- G06F17/5009—Computer-aided design using simulation
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