Cao et al., 2021 - Google Patents
Monitoring and driving force analysis of spatial and temporal change of water area of Hongjiannao Lake from 1973 to 2019Cao et al., 2021
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- 2289302754214582242
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- Cao H
- Han L
- Liu Z
- Li L
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- Ecological Informatics
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Hongjiannao Lake is the largest desert freshwater lake in China and the world's largest breeding habitat for gulls, which is of great significance to the local ecological environment and the breeding of key protected birds, and was listed as a national key protected lake in …
- XLYOFNOQVPJJNP-UHFFFAOYSA-N water   O 0 title abstract description 130
- G01W1/00—Meteorology
- G01W1/10—Devices for predicting weather conditions
- G06K9/00—Methods or arrangements for reading or recognising printed or written characters or for recognising patterns, e.g. fingerprints
- G06K9/00624—Recognising scenes, i.e. recognition of a whole field of perception; recognising scene-specific objects
- G06K9/0063—Recognising patterns in remote scenes, e.g. aerial images, vegetation versus urban areas
- G06K9/00657—Recognising patterns in remote scenes, e.g. aerial images, vegetation versus urban areas of vegetation
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