Wan et al., 2017 - Google Patents
Investigation on critical equilibrium of trapped air pocket in water supply pipeline systemWan et al., 2017
View PDF- Document ID
- 2094619337629463861
- Author
- Wan W
- Li C
- Yu Y
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- J. Zhejiang Univ. Sci. A
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A trapped air pocket can cause a partial air lock in the top of a hump pipe zone. It increases the resistance and decreases the hydraulic cross section, as well as the capacity of the water supply pipeline. A hydraulic model experiment is conducted to observe the deflection …
- XLYOFNOQVPJJNP-UHFFFAOYSA-N water   O 0 title abstract description 8
- G01F1/00—Measuring the volume flow or mass flow of fluid or fluent solid material wherein the fluid passes through the meter in a continuous flow
- G01F1/05—Measuring the volume flow or mass flow of fluid or fluent solid material wherein the fluid passes through the meter in a continuous flow by using mechanical effects
- G01F1/34—Measuring the volume flow or mass flow of fluid or fluent solid material wherein the fluid passes through the meter in a continuous flow by using mechanical effects by measuring pressure or differential pressure
- G01F1/36—Measuring the volume flow or mass flow of fluid or fluent solid material wherein the fluid passes through the meter in a continuous flow by using mechanical effects by measuring pressure or differential pressure the pressure or differential pressure being created by the use of flow constriction
- G01F1/40—Details or construction of the flow constriction devices
- G01F1/44—Venturi tubes
- G01F1/00—Measuring the volume flow or mass flow of fluid or fluent solid material wherein the fluid passes through the meter in a continuous flow
- G01F1/74—Devices for measuring flow of a fluid or flow of a fluent solid material in suspension in another fluid
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