Abdelhameed et al., 2020 - Google Patents
Deposition of tungsten thin films by magnetron sputtering for large-scale production of tungsten-based transition-edge sensorsAbdelhameed et al., 2020
View HTML- Document ID
- 1763746625274339243
- Author
- Abdelhameed A
- Angloher G
- Bauer P
- Bento A
- Bertoldo E
- Canonica L
- Fuchs D
- Hauff D
- Iachellini N
- Mancuso M
- Petricca F
- Pröbst F
- Riesch J
- Rothe J
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Journal of Low Temperature Physics
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To cope with the foreseen demand for tungsten-based TESs in the current and future phases of the CRESST experiment, we investigated the possibility to implement a reliable, simple and reproducible fabrication method using sputtering. In this contribution, we present the …
- WFKWXMTUELFFGS-UHFFFAOYSA-N tungsten   [W] 0 title abstract description 23
- G01J5/00—Radiation pyrometry
- G01J5/10—Radiation pyrometry using electric radiation detectors
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