Scharf et al., 2016 - Google Patents
Hydrogen embrittlement of DP‐1000 flat steel sheet: Influence of mechanical properties, specimen geometry, pre‐damaging and electrolytically zinc galvanizingScharf et al., 2016
- Document ID
- 1693729024193001891
- Author
- Scharf R
- Muhr A
- Luckeneder G
- Larour P
- Mraczek K
- Rehrl J
- Leomann F
- Stellnberger K
- Faderl J
- Mori G
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Materials and Corrosion
External Links
Studies towards the impact of solute hydrogen on the mechanical properties of ultra‐high strength sheet steel grades (UHSS) for the automotive industry have been increasingly conducted in the past years. This paper focuses on the pre‐damaging of a dualphase DP …
- UFHFLCQGNIYNRP-UHFFFAOYSA-N hydrogen   [H][H] 0 title abstract description 81
- G01N2203/00—Investigating strength properties of solid materials by application of mechanical stress
- G01N2203/0058—Kind of property studied
- G01N2203/006—Crack, flaws, fracture or rupture
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