Cai et al., 2012 - Google Patents
Development of a platinum resistance thermometer on the silicon substrate for phase change studiesCai et al., 2012
- Document ID
- 1607467691645866052
- Author
- Cai Q
- Chen Y
- Tsai C
- DeNatale J
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
External Links
Resistance temperature detectors are commonly used measurement sensors in heat transfer studies. In many resistance temperature detectors, the platinum resistance thermometer (PRT) is chemically stable, has a wide temperature measurement range and …
- BASFCYQUMIYNBI-UHFFFAOYSA-N platinum   [Pt] 0 title abstract description 49
- H01L2924/00—Indexing scheme for arrangements or methods for connecting or disconnecting semiconductor or solid-state bodies as covered by H01L24/00
- H01L2924/0001—Technical content checked by a classifier
- H01L2924/0002—Not covered by any one of groups H01L24/00, H01L24/00 and H01L2224/00
- G01K17/00—Measuring quantity of heat
- G01K17/06—Measuring quantity of heat conveyed by flowing mediums, e.g. in heating systems e.g. the quantity of heat in a transporting medium, delivered to or consumed in an expenditure device
- G01K17/08—Measuring quantity of heat conveyed by flowing mediums, e.g. in heating systems e.g. the quantity of heat in a transporting medium, delivered to or consumed in an expenditure device based upon measurement of temperature difference or of a temperature
- G01K17/20—Measuring quantity of heat conveyed by flowing mediums, e.g. in heating systems e.g. the quantity of heat in a transporting medium, delivered to or consumed in an expenditure device based upon measurement of temperature difference or of a temperature across a radiating surface, combined with ascertainment of the heat transmission coefficient
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