Casares-Salazar et al., 2016 - Google Patents
Influence of the remote forcing and local winds on the barotropic hydrodynamics of an elongated coastal lagoonCasares-Salazar et al., 2016
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- 15822174004849021605
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- Casares-Salazar R
- Mariño-Tapia I
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- Journal of Coastal Research
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ABSTRACT Casares-Salazar, R. and Mariño-Tapia, I., 2016. Influence of the remote forcing and local winds on the barotropic hydrodynamics of an elongated coastal lagoon. The main objective of this study is to investigate the effects of local winds and sea-level variations at …
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- E02B3/00—Engineering works in connection with control or use of streams, rivers, coasts, or other marine sites; Sealing or joints for engineering works in general
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