Zhao et al., 2012 - Google Patents
Room-temperature resistive H2 sensing response of Pd/WO3 nanocluster-based highly porous filmZhao et al., 2012
- Document ID
- 15205205211144943524
- Author
- Zhao M
- Huang J
- Ong C
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Nanotechnology
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Abstract Hydrogen-(H 2-) induced resistive response of palladium (Pd) coated tungsten oxide (WO 3) films prepared by using supersonic cluster beam deposition (SCBD) was investigated. An SCBD WO 3 film is found to be constructed of WO 3 nanoclusters of …
- KDLHZDBZIXYQEI-UHFFFAOYSA-N palladium   [Pd] 0 abstract description 38
- G01N27/00—Investigating or analysing materials by the use of electric, electro-chemical, or magnetic means
- G01N27/02—Investigating or analysing materials by the use of electric, electro-chemical, or magnetic means by investigating the impedance of the material
- G01N27/04—Investigating or analysing materials by the use of electric, electro-chemical, or magnetic means by investigating the impedance of the material by investigating resistance
- G01N33/00—Investigating or analysing materials by specific methods not covered by the preceding groups
- G01N33/0004—Gaseous mixtures, e.g. polluted air
- G01N33/0009—General constructional details of gas analysers, e.g. portable test equipment
- G01N33/0027—General constructional details of gas analysers, e.g. portable test equipment concerning the detector
- G01N33/0036—Specially adapted to detect a particular component
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