Parry et al., 2019 - Google Patents
Comparison of a stand-alone surface renewal method to weighing lysimetry and eddy covariance for determining vineyard evapotranspiration and vine water stressParry et al., 2019
View PDF- Document ID
- 14695624560852073581
- Author
- Parry C
- Shapland T
- Williams L
- Calderon-Orellana A
- Snyder R
- Paw U K
- McElrone A
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Irrigation Science
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Surface renewal (SR) is a biometeorological technique that uses high-frequency air temperature measurements above a plant canopy to estimate sensible heat flux. The sensible heat flux is then used to estimate latent heat flux as the residual of a surface energy …
- XLYOFNOQVPJJNP-UHFFFAOYSA-N water   O 0 title abstract description 80
- G01W1/00—Meteorology
- G01W1/10—Devices for predicting weather conditions
- G01W1/00—Meteorology
- G01W1/08—Adaptations of balloons, missiles, or aircraft for meteorological purposes; Radiosondes
- G01W1/00—Meteorology
- G01W1/02—Instruments for indicating weather conditions by measuring two or more variables, e.g. humidity, pressure, temperature, cloud cover, wind speed
- G01N1/00—Sampling; Preparing specimens for investigation
- G01N1/02—Devices for withdrawing samples
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