Burke et al., 1990 - Google Patents
Multilayer oxide growth on platinum under potential cycling conditions—I. Sulphuric acid solutionBurke et al., 1990
- Document ID
- 13665611392443028820
- Author
- Burke L
- Borodzinski J
- O'Dwyer K
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Electrochimica Acta
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Hydrous oxide growth on platinum under potential cycling conditions in 1.0 mol dm− 3 H 2 SO 4 yielded either a single or a two component product; the latter gave rise to two major reduction peaks in the region below 0.4 V (rhe). To obtain good reproducibility it was …
- BASFCYQUMIYNBI-UHFFFAOYSA-N platinum   [Pt] 0 title abstract description 45
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