Hitachi et al., 1982 - Google Patents
LET dependence of the luminescence yield from liquid argon and xenonHitachi et al., 1982
- Document ID
- 13589495953996909089
- Author
- Hitachi A
- Takahashi T
- Hamada T
- Shibamura E
- Funayama N
- Masuda K
- Kikuchi J
- Doke T
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research
External Links
The relative luminescence yield by excitation of α particles, fission fragments and internal conversion electrons in liquid argon and xenon have been measured. A reduction of luminescence yield due to fission fragments is observed. The ratios of the luminescence …
- XKRFYHLGVUSROY-UHFFFAOYSA-N argon   [Ar] 0 title abstract description 68
- G01T1/00—Measuring X-radiation, gamma radiation, corpuscular radiation, or cosmic radiation
- G01T1/16—Measuring radiation intensity
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