Všianská et al., 2017 - Google Patents
Segregation of sp-impurities at grain boundaries and surfaces: Comparison of fcc cobalt and nickelVšianská et al., 2017
- Document ID
- 13438501954355695387
- Author
- Všianská M
- Vémolová H
- Šob M
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
External Links
We perform systematic ab initio investigations of the segregation of 12 non-magnetic sp- impurities (Al, Si, P, S, Ga, Ge, As, Se, In, Sn, Sb and Te) at the Σ5 (210) grain boundary (GB) and (210) free surface (FS) in fcc ferromagnetic cobalt and analyse their effect on structural …
- PXHVJJICTQNCMI-UHFFFAOYSA-N nickel   [Ni] 0 title abstract description 318
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