Belo et al., 2016 - Google Patents
Impacts of sulfur oxides on mercury speciation and capture by fly ash during oxy-fuel pulverized coal combustionBelo et al., 2016
- Document ID
- 13383711419365677345
- Author
- Belo L
- Elliott L
- Stanger R
- Wall T
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Energy & Fuels
External Links
Coal-fired utility boilers are the single largest anthropogenic source of mercury emissions. Mercury is a naturally occurring trace element in coal and, when combusted, may exist in three different forms: Hg0, Hg2+, or Hg particulate. During oxy-fuel combustion, impurity …
- QSHDDOUJBYECFT-UHFFFAOYSA-N mercury   [Hg] 0 title abstract description 260
- G01N33/00—Investigating or analysing materials by specific methods not covered by the preceding groups
- G01N33/0004—Gaseous mixtures, e.g. polluted air
- G01N33/0009—General constructional details of gas analysers, e.g. portable test equipment
- G01N33/0027—General constructional details of gas analysers, e.g. portable test equipment concerning the detector
- G01N33/0036—Specially adapted to detect a particular component
- B01D53/00—Separation of gases or vapours; Recovering vapours of volatile solvents from gases; Chemical or biological purification of waste gases, e.g. engine exhaust gases, smoke, fumes, flue gases, aerosols
- B01D53/34—Chemical or biological purification of waste gases
- B01D53/46—Removing components of defined structure
- B01D53/64—Heavy metals or compounds thereof, e.g. mercury
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