Iwamoto et al., 2020 - Google Patents
Measurement of defect-induced electrical resistivity change of tungsten wire at cryogenic temperature using high-energy proton irradiationIwamoto et al., 2020
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- 12815618138716580989
- Author
- Iwamoto Y
- Yoshida M
- Matsuda H
- Meigo S
- Satoh D
- Yashima H
- Yabuuchi A
- Kinomura A
- Shima T
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technology
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For validation of the number of displacements per atom (DPA) of tungsten, we measured the defect-induced electrical resistivity change of the wire sample of tungsten related to the displacement cross section under irradiation with 389-MeV protons at 10 K. The Gifford …
- WFKWXMTUELFFGS-UHFFFAOYSA-N tungsten   [W] 0 title abstract description 26
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