Cowan et al., 1982 - Google Patents
Turbulent natural convection heat transfer in vertical single water-filled cavitiesCowan et al., 1982
- Document ID
- 11847923885474052898
- Author
- Cowan G
- Lovegrove P
- Quarini G
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- International Heat Transfer Conference Digital Library
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An extensive programme of experimental work on turbulent natural convection heat transfer in single vertical water filled cavities of aspect ratio 1.5 to 61 has been completed. Results are presented for the fluid temperature distributions in the cavities and for the transition from …
- XLYOFNOQVPJJNP-UHFFFAOYSA-N water   O 0 title abstract description 16
- G01K17/00—Measuring quantity of heat
- G01K17/06—Measuring quantity of heat conveyed by flowing mediums, e.g. in heating systems e.g. the quantity of heat in a transporting medium, delivered to or consumed in an expenditure device
- G01K17/08—Measuring quantity of heat conveyed by flowing mediums, e.g. in heating systems e.g. the quantity of heat in a transporting medium, delivered to or consumed in an expenditure device based upon measurement of temperature difference or of a temperature
- G01K17/20—Measuring quantity of heat conveyed by flowing mediums, e.g. in heating systems e.g. the quantity of heat in a transporting medium, delivered to or consumed in an expenditure device based upon measurement of temperature difference or of a temperature across a radiating surface, combined with ascertainment of the heat transmission coefficient
- G01N25/00—Investigating or analyzing materials by the use of thermal means
- G01N25/18—Investigating or analyzing materials by the use of thermal means by investigating thermal conductivity
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