Fang et al., 2022 - Google Patents
Lithography-free fabrication and optical characterizations of nanotextured nickel dewetting thin film for broadband absorbersFang et al., 2022
- Document ID
- 991442125124114906
- Author
- Fang R
- Yu Z
- Lin Y
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Nano Futures
External Links
Plasmonic structures based on metamaterials are widely studied and have been extensively researched in various applications. However, the fabrication of regular nanostructures always requires expensive equipment and a strict working environment, lacking the ability …
- PXHVJJICTQNCMI-UHFFFAOYSA-N nickel   [Ni] 0 title abstract description 53
- G02B5/00—Optical elements other than lenses
- G02B5/20—Filters
- G02B5/208—Filters for use with infra-red or ultraviolet radiation, e.g. for separating visible light from infra-red and/or ultraviolet radiation
- G02B1/00—Optical elements characterised by the material of which they are made
- G02B1/002—Optical elements characterised by the material of which they are made made of materials engineered to provide properties not available in nature, e.g. metamaterials
- G02B5/00—Optical elements other than lenses
- G02B5/20—Filters
- G02B5/28—Interference filters
- G02B5/285—Interference filters comprising deposited thin solid films
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