Hsu et al., 2020 - Google Patents
Assessing seasonal and interannual water storage variations in Taiwan using geodetic and hydrological dataHsu et al., 2020
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- 9822585995424731360
- Author
- Hsu Y
- Fu Y
- Bürgmann R
- Hsu S
- Lin C
- Tang C
- Wu Y
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Earth and Planetary Science Letters
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We systematically investigate the spatiotemporal water storage changes in Taiwan using geodetic (GNSS and GRACE) and hydrological (precipitation, GLDAS and LSDM assimilation models, and in-situ groundwater level) datasets. We use GNSS-observed …
- XLYOFNOQVPJJNP-UHFFFAOYSA-N water   O 0 title abstract description 181
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