Hoshi et al., 1989 - Google Patents
Simple and rapid spectrophotometric determination of iron after preconcentration as its 1, 10-phenanthroline complex on the natural polymer “chitin”Hoshi et al., 1989
- Document ID
- 9624443335950983006
- Author
- Hoshi S
- Yamada M
- Inoue S
- Matsubara M
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Talanta
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Preconcentration by collection of metal complexes on chitin has been applied to the spectrophotometric determination of iron in water. The iron is collected as its 1, 10- phenanthroline (phen) complex on a column of chitin in the presence of tetraphenylborate …
- XEEYBQQBJWHFJM-UHFFFAOYSA-N iron   [Fe] 0 title abstract description 89
- G01N30/00—Investigating or analysing materials by separation into components using adsorption, absorption or similar phenomena or using ion-exchange, e.g. chromatography or field flow fractionation
- G01N30/02—Column chromatography
- G01N30/04—Preparation or injection of sample to be analysed
- G01N30/06—Preparation
- G01N30/08—Preparation using an enricher
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