Faney et al., 2014 - Google Patents
Spatially dependent cluster dynamics modeling of microstructure evolution in low energy helium irradiated tungstenFaney et al., 2014
- Document ID
- 6435397096023604525
- Author
- Faney T
- Wirth B
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
External Links
In fusion reactors, plasma facing components (PFC) and in particular the divertor will be irradiated with high fluxes of low energy (∼ 100 eV) helium and hydrogen ions. Tungsten is one of the leading candidate divertor materials for ITER and DEMO fusion reactors …
- SWQJXJOGLNCZEY-UHFFFAOYSA-N helium(0)   [He] 0 title abstract description 88
- G06F17/00—Digital computing or data processing equipment or methods, specially adapted for specific functions
- G06F17/50—Computer-aided design
- G06F17/5009—Computer-aided design using simulation
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