Liu et al., 2019 - Google Patents
Distribution of mercury in the combustion products from coal-fired power plants in Guizhou, southwest ChinaLiu et al., 2019
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- 540055667751762265
- Author
- Liu S
- Chen J
- Cao Y
- Yang H
- Chen C
- Jia W
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association
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Method 30B and the Ontario Hydro Method (OHM) were used to sample the mercury in the flue gas discharged from the seven power plants in Guizhou Province, southwest China. In order to investigate the mercury migration and transformation during coal combustion and …
- QSHDDOUJBYECFT-UHFFFAOYSA-N mercury   [Hg] 0 title abstract description 283
- G01N33/00—Investigating or analysing materials by specific methods not covered by the preceding groups
- G01N33/0004—Gaseous mixtures, e.g. polluted air
- G01N33/0009—General constructional details of gas analysers, e.g. portable test equipment
- G01N33/0027—General constructional details of gas analysers, e.g. portable test equipment concerning the detector
- G01N33/0036—Specially adapted to detect a particular component
- G01N27/00—Investigating or analysing materials by the use of electric, electro-chemical, or magnetic means
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