Ayad et al., 2021 - Google Patents
Thermodynamic properties of tricyanomethanide-based ionic liquids with water: Experimental and modellingAyad et al., 2021
- Document ID
- 522755673267316376
- Author
- Ayad A
- Di Pietro T
- Mutelet F
- Negadi A
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Journal of Solution Chemistry
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Over the last decade, numerous working fluids comprising water and ionic liquid displayed performances close to that of the conventional fluids in absorption heat transformers. The main objective of this work is to determine the thermodynamic properties of …
- XLYOFNOQVPJJNP-UHFFFAOYSA-N water   O 0 title abstract description 113
- C09K5/00—Heat-transfer, heat-exchange or heat-storage materials, e.g. refrigerants; Materials for the production of heat or cold by chemical reactions other than by combustion
- C09K5/02—Materials undergoing a change of physical state when used
- C09K5/04—Materials undergoing a change of physical state when used the change of state being from liquid to vapour or vice versa
- C09K5/041—Materials undergoing a change of physical state when used the change of state being from liquid to vapour or vice versa for compression-type refrigeration systems
- C09K5/044—Materials undergoing a change of physical state when used the change of state being from liquid to vapour or vice versa for compression-type refrigeration systems comprising halogenated compounds
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