Zhang et al., 2016 - Google Patents
Efficient Hydrogenation of Nitrogen Heterocycles Catalyzed by Carbon‐Metal Covalent Bonds‐Stabilized Palladium Nanoparticles: Synergistic Effects of Particle Size …Zhang et al., 2016
- Document ID
- 4809205464905701914
- Author
- Zhang Y
- Zhu J
- Xia Y
- Sun X
- Wu L
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis
External Links
We reveal here the first hydrogenation of nitrogen heterocycles catalyzed by carbon–metal covalent bonds‐stabilized palladium nanoparticles in water under mild conditions. Using a one‐phase reduction method, smaller metal–carbon covalent bond‐stabilized Pd …
- KDLHZDBZIXYQEI-UHFFFAOYSA-N palladium   [Pd] 0 title abstract description 65
- C07D213/00—Heterocyclic compounds containing six-membered rings, not condensed with other rings, with one nitrogen atom as the only ring hetero atom and three or more double bonds between ring members or between ring members and non-ring members
- C07D213/02—Heterocyclic compounds containing six-membered rings, not condensed with other rings, with one nitrogen atom as the only ring hetero atom and three or more double bonds between ring members or between ring members and non-ring members having three double bonds between ring members or between ring members and non-ring members
- C07D213/04—Heterocyclic compounds containing six-membered rings, not condensed with other rings, with one nitrogen atom as the only ring hetero atom and three or more double bonds between ring members or between ring members and non-ring members having three double bonds between ring members or between ring members and non-ring members having no bond between the ring nitrogen atom and a non-ring member or having only hydrogen or carbon atoms directly attached to the ring nitrogen atom
- C07D213/06—Heterocyclic compounds containing six-membered rings, not condensed with other rings, with one nitrogen atom as the only ring hetero atom and three or more double bonds between ring members or between ring members and non-ring members having three double bonds between ring members or between ring members and non-ring members having no bond between the ring nitrogen atom and a non-ring member or having only hydrogen or carbon atoms directly attached to the ring nitrogen atom containing only hydrogen and carbon atoms in addition to the ring nitrogen atom
- C07D209/00—Heterocyclic compounds containing five-membered rings, condensed with other rings, with one nitrogen atom as the only ring hetero atom
- C07D209/02—Heterocyclic compounds containing five-membered rings, condensed with other rings, with one nitrogen atom as the only ring hetero atom condensed with one carbocyclic ring
- C07D209/04—Indoles; Hydrogenated indoles
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