Caveler et al., 1985 - Google Patents
Nickel allergy: analysis of metal clothing objects and patch testing to metal samplesCaveler et al., 1985
- Document ID
- 4442585601995692946
- Author
- Caveler C
- Foussereau J
- Massin M
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Contact Dermatitis
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In 22 nickel‐sensitive subjects, 57 metal clothing objects were said to be not tolerated (37) or tolerated (20). They were analysed by X‐ray energy dispersion in electron microscopy, and by the dimethylglyoxime spot test. The correlation between the analytical results and the …
- PXHVJJICTQNCMI-UHFFFAOYSA-N nickel   [Ni] 0 title abstract description 242
- G01N33/00—Investigating or analysing materials by specific methods not covered by the preceding groups
- G01N33/48—Investigating or analysing materials by specific methods not covered by the preceding groups biological material, e.g. blood, urine; Haemocytometers
- G01N33/50—Chemical analysis of biological material, e.g. blood, urine; Testing involving biospecific ligand binding methods; Immunological testing
- G01N33/53—Immunoassay; Biospecific binding assay
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