The Trickster has returned to Dean’s realm.
Now that Gabriel’s back where he belongs we can tackle some other topics. What interests you most?
The Trickster has returned to Dean’s realm.
Now that Gabriel’s back where he belongs we can tackle some other topics. What interests you most?
Gabriel: Since it’s only you having eyes on me now… Yeah, I’m an archangel by night, pagan god by day. Or the other way around. But right now I’m in a bit of a pickle because no Grace means no dimension travel. I hope this inter-dimensional can opener can get get me back home.
It was a stupid idea to involve myself in Winchester business in this universe. I’m really looking forward to getting back to my own dimension and my own Sam and Dean who are incredibly well-adjusted beings compared to here. I almost feel bad about leaving them. But only almost.
Many questions in this vein in my inbox, this one in particular was 4 years old. I guess you all knew by now. Haha!
Gabriel: I can’t wait to fake my death again and get the hell out of here.
Last we saw Gabriel, he was stuck.
I don’t know if I’m back, but I certainly am sorry for the long hiatus. This was the newest question in my inbox and it was easy enough to answer. I’m kinda afraid to go look further *lol*
December 13: Dean and Castiel
Pagan Gods Verse ♥ Dean might be a pagan god but he’s interested in any Christian traditions that involve food.
Cas: I’m hot…! Take off your coat before I melt!
Dean: No, you MUST stay warm!
Cas: I’d prefer it if you warmed me with your naked body.
Castiel: …
Dean: Anyway, if this is your way of telling me you want to have more sex, then I’m on board.
Dean’s powers change with the seasons; now that it’s autumn his fire powers are stronger.
I wasn’t sure what to draw because I’m intimidated by my inbox but this seemed amusing to me.
Chronicler here: I got a new theme, because the other was old and had issues, so we’ll see how this one fares!
Relevant links are now at the top and I think I haven’t put the character section anywhere before, but that’s up now too. There might still be links going nowhere because that (and typos) are my specialty.
But now that’s done I might even answer some asks again one of these days *lol*
Input is always welcome~
Since God wasn’t answering Jimmy’s prayers to protect his pies, Jimmy took matters into his own hands.
(Continuation of this. It didn’t let me upload the pic in a reblog.)
It’s autumn! Hide your pies or they’ll be stolen by the local pagan god!
I hope so, but I work a job that leaves me pretty exhausted at the end of the day so my art inspiration has been horribly absent.
But I do think about this verse still…!