Rochechouart 2017-Drilling Campaign: First Results

Lambert, P.; Alwmark, C.; Baratoux, D.; Bouley, S.; Brack, A.; Bruneton, P.; Buchner, E.; Claeys, P.; Dence, M. R.; Courtin Nomade, A.; Duhamel Achin, I.; Floch, J. P.; French, B. M.; Fudge, C.; Gattacceca, J; Gibson, R. L.; Goderis, S.; Grieve, R. A. F.; Hodges, K. V.; Hörz, F.; Humayun, M.; Jourdan, F.; Kelley, S. P.; Kenkmann, T.; Kring, D. A.; Langehorst, F.; Lee, M. R.; Lindgren, P.; Lofi, J.; Lorand, J. P.; Luais, B.; Masaitis, V.; Meunier, A.; Moore, C. B.; Ormö, J.; Osinski, G. R.; Petit, S.; Pezard, P. A.; Poelchau, M.; Pohl, J.; Quesnel, Y.; Ramboz, C.; Reeves, H.; Rochette, P.; Sapers, H. M.; Schmieder, M.; Schultz, P. H; Schwenzer, S. P.; Sharp, T.; Shoemaker, C. S.; Simpson, S. L.; Stöffler, D; Sturkell, E.; Trumel, H.; Walton, E.; Westall, F.; Wittmann, A. and Wünnemann, K. (2018). Rochechouart 2017-Drilling Campaign: First Results. In: 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA.



We report on the first comprehensive scientific drilling campaign to be completed in the Rochechouart impact structure, France, describing the various holes and the first visual inspection of the major lithologies
encountered, in reference to the IUGS nomenclature.

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