2^3 7 * 37^2 = 8 128* 9 49 = 726272, therefore 6272 is in the sequence.
2^5 * 5^2 = 32 * 25 = 800.
2^7 * 7^2 = 128 * 49 = 6272, therefore 6272 is in the sequence.
678223072849 = 7^7 * 7^7 is not in the sequence
Take[Union[Select[Flatten[Table[If[p != q, Prime[p]^Prime[q] * Prime[q]^Prime[p]], {p, 100}, {q, 100}]], IntegerQ]], 30] (* Alonso del Arte, Oct 28 2005 *)
Select[Range[10! ], Length[FactorInteger[ # ]]==2&&FactorInteger[ # ][[1, 1]]==FactorInteger[ # ][[2, 2]]&&FactorInteger[ # ][[1, 2]]==FactorInteger[ # ][[2, 1]]&] (* Vladimir Joseph Stephan Orlovsky, Apr 23 2010 *)
With[{nmax nn= 30}, Take[Union[First[#]^Last[#] Last[#]^First[#] &/@ Subsets[ Prime[Range[nmaxnn]], {2}]], nmaxnn]] (* Harvey P. Dale, Aug 19 2012 *)