This site is supported by donations to The OEIS Foundation.
The SeqFan mailing list is the traditional place where contributors to the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences discuss topics related to integer sequences. The mailing list existed long before this OEIS wiki, the new OEIS home, and the new OEIS foundation.
It can be found at
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Please be polite and courteous.
Make sure your message is accurate and complete; read it before posting it. It is going to 200+ people.
Stay on topic, stick to facts, topics should be limited to sequences and mathematics.
Do not post too often. Take time to collect all your thoughts into one reply.
We have the capability of moderating posts from individual users, but we would rather not have to invoke it.
Messages should be in English. But remember many members are not native speakers of English.
If you have a question about a particular OEIS entry, consider contacting the author through the "Email this user" feature in the OEIS Wiki.
Do not express opinions about which sequences are appropriate for the OEIS (leave that to the EiC's)
This template is not currently working.
Template:SeqfanThe {{Seqfan}} (or {{SeqFan}}) external link template gives a link to a message in the SeqFan mailing list archive. Usage
ExamplesExamples with valid input
Code<noinclude>{{documentation}}</noinclude><includeonly><!-- -->{{#if:{{{author|{{{5|}}}}}}|{{{author|{{{5|}}}}}}, }}<!-- -->[{{{year|{{{3}}}}}}-{{fullmonth|{{{month|{{{1}}}}}}}}/{{{message#|{{{4}}}}}}.html <!-- -->{{#if:{{{Re|}}}|Re: {{{Re}}}|{{{6|}}}}}], posting to [[SeqFan]] on {{{month|{{{1}}}}}} {{{monthday|{{{2|}}}}}} {{{year|{{{3}}}}}}</includeonly> |