Posts tagged wait what
Posts tagged wait what
Lianne Kolirin and Esha Mitra for CNN:
An Indian man has been awarded damages in a legal case against the country’s biggest movie theater chain after he complained that it showed too many commercials before a movie.
Abhishek M R, a 31-year-old lawyer from the southern city of Bangalore, decided to take action against the PVR INOX chain after he was forced to cancel work calls because the movie overran the scheduled finish time.
In a case brought before Bangalore’s District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, he claimed that his time was wasted and that he suffered “mental agony” as a result of the 25 minutes of commercials that preceded a 2023 screening of the film “Sam Bahadur.”
Watching any advertising generally causes me mental agony so I see where this guy’s coming from
Emily Van de Riet for Gray News:
An elementary school principal and a teacher were arrested in Florida for hosting a house party for minors and providing them with alcohol, according to police.
The Cocoa Beach Police Department said the party took place on Jan. 19 at the home of Roosevelt Elementary School’s principal Elizabeth Hill-Brodigan.
Officers were called to the home in reference to a house party. When they arrived, officers said they found more than 100 minors at the home wearing matching T-shirts, many of whom were drinking alcohol that was available in coolers at the home.
You just can’t be the “cool principal” any more without getting arrested
Investigators seized more than 150 pipe bombs and other homemade devices when they searched the home of Brad Spafford northwest of Norfolk in December, the prosecutors said in a motion filed Monday. The prosecutors wrote that this is believed to be “the largest seizure by number of finished explosive devices in FBI history.”
Most of the bombs were found in a detached garage at the home in Isle of Wight County, along with tools and bomb-making materials including fuses and pieces of plastic pipe, according to court documents. The prosecutors also wrote: “Several additional apparent pipe bombs were found in a backpack in the home’s bedroom, completely unsecured,” in the home he shares with his wife and two young children.
Defense attorneys argued in a motion Tuesday that authorities haven’t produced evidence that he was planning violence, also noting that he has no criminal record. Further, they question whether the explosive devices were usable because “professionally trained explosive technicians had to rig the devices to explode them.”
Man, if I can’t make 150 bombs and keep them unsecured in my house with my family without getting arrested by the fuzz, then this country has well and truly lost its way
Russian cosmonauts on the International Space Station were forced to briefly lock down a segment of the orbiting laboratory this weekend after finding an “unusual odor” emanating from a visiting cargo spacecraft called Progress 90, NASA said Sunday.
The odor — along with “droplets” the cosmonauts, or Russian astronauts, said they observed — likely resulted from “outgassing from materials inside the (Russian) Progress spacecraft,” NASA said in a statement to CNN Monday afternoon.
“There are no concerns for the crew,” according to Kelly O. Humphries, the news chief at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston.
Well now I want to huff the stinky Russian space gas
Felicia Jordan for WCPO of Cincinnati, Ohio:
A man is facing charges for buying large quantities of nails and scattering them on roads north of Cincinnati, but it’s possible he’s been at it for nearly a year according to court records and police.
In order to determine whether Dyson was the person throwing the nails in the roads, court documents said police sprayed some of the store’s nails with a liquid that can only be seen under ultraviolet light.
“We got some of the nails from the store, we colored them with the luminescent spray, took them back to the store, said when he comes sell these nails to him,” said Det. Sgt. Jeff Heard, with Springdale police.
Then, on Monday, officers found around 60 nails scattered on Cresentville Road near Strategic Parkway and 70 more on Crescentville near Chesterdale Road, according to court documents.
From there, officers were able to determine the nails collected from the road were coated in the luminescent varnish.
Please, those could’ve been anyone’s luminescent spray-soaked nails, they’ve got nothin’
Jessica Dupnack and Nour Rahal for FOX 2 of Detroit:
A passenger on a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit said maggots fell on a woman next to him from an overhead bin, causing the plane to turn around an hour after departing.
“She was freaking out,” said Philip Schotte, a Netherlands native who lives in Iowa. “She was just trying to kind of fight off these maggots.”
“They found out that there was a rotten fish in there,” Schotte said. “I did see everyone’s reaction to the bag being opened, which was just an immediate pinching of the nose.”
We’ve all been there
Last month, a Russian/Israeli dual national named Sergey Ochigava arrived at LAX airport in Los Angeles on a Scandinavian Airlines flight from Copenhagen with no passport and no record of him having been on the plane. According to court records, entities confused about how he arrived in the United States include the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, Scandinavian Airlines, LAX, and Ochigava himself.
Ochigava was charged with being a stowaway on an aircraft, but an affidavit about the event written by FBI agent Caroline Walling is incredibly fascinating reading because no one seems to have any idea what happened.
What the
Brian Bakst for Minnesota Public Radio:
Customs agents seized an unusual item from an airline passenger arriving in Minneapolis last week from a vacation in Kenya: a small box containing giraffe feces.
“Apparently when she is at home she makes jewelry out of moose droppings so when she saw giraffe droppings while on safari she thought that would be a unique addition to her craftwork I guess,” Lewis said.
The excrement was taken and destroyed by agriculture specialists. Customs and Border Protection officials say carrying fecal matter onto a plane and into the country poses risk to human health and livestock well-being. Lewis noted that Kenya has battled various forms of swine fever and foot and mouth disease.
Damn well there goes one of my Christmas gift ideas
AP report:
A long-forgotten, and somewhat unsettling, statue of Mickey Mouse with giant lobster claws for hands has found its way back to Boston.
The 700-pound statue was last seen in the city nearly two decades ago at Quincy Market where it entertained tourists and shoppers — before slipping out of sight and into city lore after it was sold in 2005 at an auction organized by Disney.
[Deon] Point told The Boston Globe that he spent five years following online threads before finally spotting a listing for the mouse/crustacean relic on eBay.
Eric Switzer writing for TheGamer on his experience attending a press event for the game Sniper Ghost Warrior: Contracts 2, which I’ve never heard of before:
I drove down on a Friday and stayed in a hotel with the other attendees. In the morning, I met the rest of the group: five writers like myself, and five influencers from YouTube and Twitch. We got on a bus without any preamble and headed 15 minutes down the road to meet the Incredible Adventures team at the Strategic Operations facility.
Strategic Operations, Inc., formerly the Stu Segall San Diego Studio, was a full-service film and TV studio built in the early ‘90s for a show called Silk Stalkings. Producer Stu Segall later converted the building into a tactical training facility for police and military personnel. Additionally, Incredible Adventures offers “extreme military counter-terrorism training” to civilians here, which is exactly what we had been signed up for.
The Strategic Operations facility looks a lot like a set you might see in American Sniper, Lone Survivor, or any other military propaganda film. The streets are paved with dirt; the broken down, abandoned vehicles are covered in grime; and the short, featureless huts look like they’re made out of mud. It’s the Middle-East as we’re often shown it via Western media - a gross, twisted doppelganger that doesn’t actually represent life in that part of the world at all. A series of nondescript yellow circles hang in one window, demonstrating that art does not exist in this society. A pile of rotten meat sits on a nearby table next to a decaying pig head, because the people here eat filth, apparently. I think I’ve painted a clear enough picture.
There’s a flag that says “Trump 2024: The Revenge Tour” flying on the main building, which almost makes me get back on the bus.
lmao this well and truly rules