All pages
From NSIS Wiki
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- !Stack
- !commands
- !commands - One NSIS command instead of multiple
- !ifexist Macro
- "Banner with Cancel button"
- "Classic Installshield" style icons
- "Orange" Modern UI Theme
- "Orange Vista" Modern UI Theme
- 'The Mexican' - a simple GUI Interface for NSIS 2.0 beta 3 with silent install
- (((eliotime)))TheNewMachine. NSIS Wiki en español latinoamericano
- ADD "Verify your serial number" dialog to your Installer by ROHIT
- ADempiere with Java6, PostgreSQL8.3
- A Plugin for controlling Internet Explorer
- A Simple Installer for Palm Applications
- A feature isn't doing what I expect
- A sample cmd script combiling nsis scripts recursively
- A sample script that uses several cool functions (replace txt, mutually exclusive functions, MUI, patch install, etc.)
- A script to install a Tomcat web application
- A simple installer with start menu shortcut and uninstaller
- A simple windows default notepad replacement script
- A slightly better Java Launcher
- AbiWord
- Abort
- Abs
- AccessControl plug-in
- AccessControl plugin
- Ace
- Acerca de eliotime
- ActiveX Dll Component Register
- Add-on Custom Installer Sample /w InstallOptions
- Add/Remove Functionality
- AddRemove Programs IsInstalled Test
- AddToPath safe
- Add "Verify your serial number" dialog to your Installer by ROHIT
- Add Toast Properties to Shortcut
- Add a shared DLL
- Add extra icons to an installer
- Add link to welcome page (MUI)
- Add uninstall information to Add/Remove Programs
- Add uninstall information to Add/mediawiki/mediawiki/index.php
- Add your app in each EXE in the context menu
- Adding 3 Extra Text Lines on MUI Welcome-Finish Pages
- Adding DropList with available drives instead of directory page
- Adding Keyboard Layouts for other languages
- Adding Language strings as resources
- Adding a icon for your program or web page to the IE toolbar
- Adding an explorer bar to IE
- Adding an icon for your program or web page to the IE toolbar
- Adding an item to IE context menu
- Adding custom installer pages
- Adding your program to the Control Panel
- Adobe Brackets
- AdvSplash with gif and jpeg
- Advanced Font Installation
- Advanced Replace within text II
- Advanced Uninstall Log NSIS Header
- Advanced Welcome/Finish Example Script
- Advanced WelcomeFinish
- Aero plug-in
- Allow only one installer instance
- Alphabetic list of NSIS commands
- Analyze text
- AnimGif plug-in
- Animate plug-in
- Another String Replace (and Slash/BackSlash Converter)
- ApplicationID plug-in
- Application Association Registration plug-in
- Array plug-in
- Arrays
- Arrays in NSIS
- Asc
- Atom
- Atomic GUI for NSIS
- Attrib
- Auth
- Authenticate User
- Auto-uninstall old before installing new
- Automatic File List Generator
- Autorun.inf Generator
- BDEAlias plug-in
- BDE Alias
- Backup files on install, restore on uninstall
- BannerTrimPath
- Banner with Cancel button
- Base64
- Base64 plug-in
- BaseConvert plug-in
- Basic SectionGetFlags Example
- BattleTorrent plug-ins
- Battle for Wesnoth
- Best Java Launcher
- Best practices
- BgWorker plug-in
- BinStrSearch
- BitTorrent downloads for NSIS
- Blocking older MSI setups
- Blowfish++ plug-in
- Blowfish plug-in
- Boot Configuration Functions Header
- Boot Into
- Box and CD icon
- BrandingURL plug-in
- Browse for Folder
- Bug Reports
- Building NSIS from CVS
- Building NSIS from SVN
- Building plug-ins without Microsoft Visual C Run-Time (MSVCRT) dependency
- Builtin NSISdl plug-in
- Bulkloader
- ButtonEvent plug-in
- Buttons Header
- CABSetup plug-in
- CDRom plug-in
- CDRom plugin
- CKV Self-Extractor
- CPUDesc
- CPUDesc plug-in
- CPUFeatures plug-in
- CRCCheck plug-in
- CRC generator plugin
- CVS tree to NSI
- CabDLL: Plugin to extract all the files from a cabinet (CAB)
- CabDLL plug-in
- CabX plug-in
- CallAnsiPlugin
- CallAnsiPlugin plug-in
- Call .NET DLL methods plug-in
- Call NSIS Plugin from C application
- Calling Managed .Net DLL From NSIS
- Calling an external DLL using the System.dll plugin
- Can I decompile an existing installer
- Can I decompile an existing installer?
- Can I prevent the user from running multiple instances of the installer
- Can I prevent the user from running multiple instances of the installer?
- Can I submit / correct translations
- Can I submit / correct translations?
- Centro de desarrollo
- ChangeLog
- ChangeRes Plugin
- ChangeRes plug-in
- Change Log
- Change Log Window Font
- Change Uninstall Log Window Font
- Change Variable Plugin
- Change caption of installer at runtime
- Change log
- Change the background color in textboxes
- Changelog
- Changing Title and Subtitle Fonts on MUI Pages
- CharIndexReplace: Replace char in string with char size
- CharStrip & StrStrip: Remove character or string from another string
- CheckIP function
- CheckSpaceFree
- Check IIS Version Before Installing
- Check for a Registry Key
- Check for spaces in a directory path
- Check if a file exists at compile time
- Check if dir is empty
- Check if the current user is an Administrator
- Check minimum version of Quicktime
- Check online for Updates
- Check open ports
- Check wether an ODBC entry exists
- Check whether an ODBC entry exists
- Check whether system requires restart or not
- Check whether your application is running
- Check whether your application is running during uninstallation
- ChngVrbl plug-in
- Clear Details Window
- Close/exit a program
- Close Borland Delphi With User Approval
- Close or Terminate
- Closing ALL Browsers Windows
- Closing ALL Internet Explorer Windows
- CmdExec
- CodeMirror
- Collection of Math Plug-in Functions
- Color Indicator for nsDialogs
- Color Selector for NSIS
- ComPlusAdmin
- ComPlusAdmin plug-in
- Combine two text files into one text file
- CombinedUnInstaller
- Common Installation with Components Choice
- Common Installation with Components Choise
- Community
- Comparing Two Version Numbers
- Comparing full versions numbers (xx.xx.xx.xx ? xx.xx.xx.xx)
- Complex validating of InstallOptions user input
- Component Manager
- Component descriptions with rtf formating
- Component descriptions with rtf formatting
- Components Page Next Button
- Conda
- ConfigRead
- ConfigWrite
- Connect to the internet
- Contact
- Contrib/InstallOptions/Readme.html
- Controlling Available Install Options
- Controls flicker when hovering the mouse pointer over it
- Controls flicker when hovering the mouse pointer over them
- Convert "\" to "\\" in a string or dir path
- Convert 5 digit integers to pure text
- Convert GetFileTime results to day/month/year
- Convert Inno Setup scripts to NSIS scripts
- Convert Inno Setup scripts to NSIS scripts.
- Convert Unix new-lines (\n) to Windows (\r\n)
- Convert playlist files to text
- Convert vb install script to nsis script
- Cool CheckBox Bitmaps
- Copy Registry Key
- Copy to, or get from Windows Clipboard
- Copying files to pda
- Count how many times your installer package has been executed
- CreateInternetShortcut
- CreateInternetShortcut macro & function
- CreateMutex plug-in
- CreateShortCut truncates destination filename on non-existing network drive
- Create Internet Shorcuts during installation
- Create Internet Shortcut
- Create a GUID, a Globally Unique Identifier
- Create an ODBC entry for a MS Access database
- Create an ODBC entry for an Oracle database
- Create settings per-user based on same workstation
- Create shortcut in ObjectDock
- Creating internet shortcuts
- Creating language files and integrating with MUI
- Crimson Editor
- Crypto Plugin
- Crypto plug-in
- CustomLicense plug-in
- Custom Dialog Free Space Summary of all Drives
- Custom Finish Page
- Customisable MessageBox Plugin
- DVD functions
- Date and time in installer or application name
- DcryptDll : Adding Encryption to NSIS
- DcryptDll plug-in
- Debug plug-in
- Define Macro
- Delete Files From Log
- Delete an ODBC entry
- Delete dir only if empty
- Delete directory with exclusion
- Delete dirs / files in a directory except one dir / file
- Delete files and subdirectories
- Delete lines from log window by line numbers
- Delete lines from one line to another line exclusive
- Delete lines from one line to another line inclusive
- Demonstrating Page's Custom Functions Pre Show Leave
- Descargar
- DetailPrint From Inside .NET DLL
- DetailUpdate
- Detect & Close Winamp
- Detect DirectX Version
- Detect Drives
- Detect MDAC 2.6
- Detect MSI 3.1
- Detect MSI 3 1
- Detect System Language Name
- Detect TabletPC
- Detect User Locale INFO(Language, Country, LangID...)
- Detect User Locale Information (Language, Country, LangID, etc.)
- Detect User User Color Depth bits
- Detect Windows Version
- Detect and download the .NET framework.
- Detect if a window is open and close it.
- Detect installed Acrobat Reader version
- Detect installed Acrobat Reader version......
- Detect the DirectX's version installed
- Detect the Microsoft Java Machine version
- Detecting Autocad current version and path
- Detecting the JDK version
- Determine the name of the Oracle default home
- Determine the path for an Oracle home
- Determine the version of MS Access
- Determining free memory using the System plugin
- Deutsche Anleitung für HM NIS Edit
- Deutsche Anleitung für HM NIS Edit
- Developer Center
- Development
- Development Center
- Development Files
- Dialer plug-in
- Dialogs
- DialogsEx plug-in
- Dialogs plug-in
- DirState
- DirectX Installation for Fixed Media
- DirectX Installation with Web Installer
- Dirpage plug-in
- Display Windows OS Name in a string
- DlgHost plug-in
- Dobz116's NSIS Theme
- Docs/Chapter5.html
- Docs/Chapter5.html&&DI=293&IG=51b48eeb6a8547a9a101e77974d46b4d&POS=5&CM=WPU&CE=5&CS=AWP&SR=5
- Donate
- DotNET
- DotNetChecker plug-in
- DotNetVer
- DotNet plug-in
- Dotted Comparison Script
- Download
- Download/
- Download Latest
- Download Using Mirrors
- Download and Install dotNET 45
- DriveSpace
- Driver installation and update
- Drunken NSIS
- DumpLog plug-in
- DumpLog plugin
- DumpState
- DumpState plug-in
- Dump log to file
- Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) commands
- Dynamically create and delete directories
- Dynamically create and remove directories
- Dynamically create remove directories
- EBanner plug-in
- Easy Uninstall
- EclipseNSIS
- EclipseNSIS - NSIS plugin for Eclipse
- EclipseNSIS - NSIS plugin for Eclipse, including Editor and Script Wizard
- EditPlus
- Editor for NSIS version 2.0b4
- Emacs
- Email Validation Function
- Email validation plug-in
- EmbedHTML plug-in
- EmbeddedLists plug-in
- Embedded Banner
- Embedding other installers
- EnVar plug-in
- EnhancedFindWindow
- Enhanced FindWindow
- Enhanced FindWindow for variable window class names
- Enhanced FindWindow for variable window title names
- EnlighterJS
- EnsureEndsWith
- EnumCDs plug-in
- EnumINI plug-in