I have used this mechanism manually with a simple algorithm and a secret key + site name for a while... And all of the things you mention are exactly on point :)
My solution has been to have 3 different techniques:
- a very sofisticated master password + algorithm for very critical things
- a secondary, less sofisticated for less important things
- a dummy password that i use for silly stuff
I keep an up to date list of applications of the second tier. The first tier is easy enough to remember since it's the critical apps.
My solution has been to have 3 different techniques:
- a very sofisticated master password + algorithm for very critical things - a secondary, less sofisticated for less important things - a dummy password that i use for silly stuff
I keep an up to date list of applications of the second tier. The first tier is easy enough to remember since it's the critical apps.
I also go with 2fa when I can.