> Trademark abuse is a "business-on-business crime".
So, I get where you're coming from, but I also have some second-hand exposure here because my wife is a trademark agent (and has to put up with all my inane hypotheticals about trademarks) - while you can call it a "business-on business crime", the question of fact revolves around whether an average consumer would get confused.
As a consumer, I'd feel pretty miffed about being misled into purchasing a product due to trademark confusion.
So, I get where you're coming from, but I also have some second-hand exposure here because my wife is a trademark agent (and has to put up with all my inane hypotheticals about trademarks) - while you can call it a "business-on business crime", the question of fact revolves around whether an average consumer would get confused.
As a consumer, I'd feel pretty miffed about being misled into purchasing a product due to trademark confusion.