I've written an in depth blog post on "generic jsx", which turns JSX into function bind/currying syntax that would work fine in any framework (or not framework at all, as we currently use it).
That would be actually super useful. JSX became for me the best part after writing React applications for quite a while. Performance-wise not using React is actually faster ^^ (If you take care of the dirty updating work of course)
6 years ago I wrote a proof of concept to replace a large Rails application in pure JS using prototypes and constructing the html from strings. The latter turned out to be the most messy part so I stopped that and rather refactored the legacy Rails code to do something useful.
Could be really great for super lightweight JS apps!
Its also important to consider the environment as well since JSX is potentially much bigger than the web.
JSX is much like other generic user interface markup languages[0] and like many other is simply a dialect of XML. Any interface that can be represented with XML/HTML or any other markup language can use JSX and optionally react. We are already seeing this boom with in native mobile environments with React Native, NativeScript, Titanium...
Here are several examples where JSX is used that is not a browser:
- Native desktop apps for Linux, Mac, and Windows (Not including Electron/NW.js)[1][2][3][4]
- TVs with AppleTV apps or Netflix's Gibbon[5][6]
- Command line apps as stdin/stdout with react-blessed[7]/mylittledom[8]
- Direct to Canvas[9]/pixi.js[10]
- Latex documents[11]
- Web Audio[12]
- Conole.logs[13]
- Truly custom direct to hardware[14] as some C code like: `digitalWrite(led, HIGH)`
I definitely believe JSX could use standardization separate from any implementation, JavaScript or otherwise.
We use this generic-jsx in DemoKit: https://github.com/runkitdev/demokit , and it's really cool because you can do fancy stuff like: