IndieNews is a community-curated list of articles relevant to the Indie Web.
In order to submit a post, you do not need an IndieNews account. Instead, you can only submit posts from your own site by linking to the IndieNews site and sending a notification using the webmention protocol!
Create a new post on your site, and mark it up with the Microformats markup for an h-entry.
If you are submitting your own post, that's all you have to do.
To submit someone else's post, you can post a bookmark on your site and submit that URL to IndieNews! Post an h-entry as normal, then include a u-bookmark-of property linking to the actual URL you want to submit.
Inside the h-entry, add a link to the IndieNews home page for your language with the class u-syndication or u-category. This usually looks something like the following:
<a href="" class="u-syndication">
Also posted on IndieNews
<a href="" class="u-category">#indienews</a>
If your website sends Webmentions automatically, then you don't need to worry about this step. Otherwise, follow the instructions below to send a Webmention, or just use the Webmention form available at the IndieNews Webmention endpoint.
Make a POST request to
with two parameters,
and target
, where target is
and source is
assuming you are submitting a page on your site with
the url
Note that each language's home page has a unique Webmention endpoint, so you should do the Webmention endpoint discovery as normal to find it.
POST /en/webmention HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
"result": "success",
"notices": [
"data": {
"title": "A demonstration of Original Post Discovery #indieweb",
"author": "",
"date": "2013-04-26T03:22:39+00:00"
"source": "",
"url": ""
You can find the permalink of your syndication by looking for the Location
header in the response. You can then update your post with that URL so that your post always links to the IndieNews permalink instead of the IndieNews home page.
This webmention endpoint also returns more data that is useful for debugging purposes while you're initially trying it out.
- Will be equal to "success" if the submission was acceptednotices
- An array of string messages if there was anything that needs attention in your submission. These are not errors, but will indicate if microformat markup was not present or
- This object shows the values extracted from the page, including title, author and date.source
- The source URL sent in the initial requesturl
- The permalink to this submission on -i \
-d target= \
-d source=
$ch = curl_init("");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array(
'target' => '',
'source' => ''
echo curl_exec($ch);
require 'rest-client'
require 'json'
data = JSON.parse "", {
'target' => '',
'source' => ''
jj data
If you update the post (for example trying to debug the microformats markup, or changing the post title), you can re-send the webmention. The existing IndieNews post will be updated with the new information found.
Your page must be marked up with an h-entry or an h-event, IndieNews will use the name in the entry as the title of the submission.
If an h-card is present, author information will be pulled from there, otherwise it will fall back to using the domain name as the author.
If you use a client which automatically sends pingbacks to any links found in the post, then you can use the same flow as the WebMention flow but send a Pingback instead! You can find the pingback endpoint using the normal pingback discovery mechanism.
Note that the rich debugging response will not be present in the pingback reply.