openCypher Will Pave the Road to GQL for Cypher Implementers
By Enzo
May 22, 2024 6 mins read
openCypher will help graph databases transition from Cypher to GQL, the new ISO standard graph query language.
Explore: cypher GQL opencypher query language
Creating the GQL Database Language Standard
By Enzo
May 7, 2024 7 mins read
ISO publishes Graph Query Language (GQL), a new standard for graph databases. Learn about Neo4j’s role in developing GQL and key aspects of the language.
Explore: database language GQL GQL standard graph database graph query language neo4j query language
GQL is Here: Your Cypher Queries in a GQL World
By Enzo
April 26, 2024 6 mins read
Now that the GQL standard is finally here for graph databases, find out what’s going to happen to your Cypher queries.
Explore: cypher GQL GQL cypher graph database neo4j query language
GQL: The ISO Standard for Graphs Has Arrived
By Enzo
April 25, 2024 6 mins read
Read the joint letter from Neo4j and AWS to graph customers, the graph curious, and the Cypher community on the new GQL standard.
Explore: AWS cypher genai GQL graph database graph query langauge iso standard neo4j query language
ISO GQL: A Defining Moment in the History of Database Innovation
By Enzo
April 17, 2024 6 mins read
ISO GQL (Graph Query Language) is the new standard for graph databases. Discover its impact and what it means for the future of graph databases.
Explore: cypher GQL graph database graph query language ISO neo4j neo4j query language query language sql
10 Things You Can Do With Cypher That Are Hard With SQL
By Enzo
May 6, 2022 12 mins read
SQL has been around for ages. We don’t want to belittle this powerful language, but there are some things that just make more sense in Cypher.
Explore: aggregation API App development csv cypher data loading database dataset graph data model graph database
Knowledge graph evolution: Platforms that speak your language
By ZDNet - January 20, 2020
Explore: Graph Data graph platforms language query language RDF semantic graph
Imperative vs. Declarative Query Languages: What’s the Difference?
By Bryce Merkl Sasaki
August 21, 2018 5 mins read
The evolution of programming languages has grown in parallel with the evolution of computing itself, with new languages being created with each new advance and paradigm shift. After all, if language shapes how we view reality, then changes in computing… Read more →
Explore: cypher database query language declarative language declarative query language gremlin imperative language imperative query language query language sparql sql
Graph Databases for Beginners: Why a Database Query Language Matters (More Than You Think)
By Bryce Merkl Sasaki
August 15, 2018 12 mins read
Languages (the natural, human kind) shape how you view the world. From color to time to gender relations, there’s no escaping how language limits (or expands) your worldview. Words are the categories and labels that we use to process and… Read more →
Explore: cypher cypher query language database query language graph database graph technology query language rdbms relational database sql structured query language
Now You Can Express Cypher Queries in Pure Python using Pypher [Community Post]
By Bryce Merkl Sasaki
March 15, 2018 5 mins read
Cypher is a pretty cool language. It allows you to easily manipulate and query your graph in a familiar – but at the same time – unique way. If you’re familiar with SQL, mixing in Cypher’s ASCII node and relationship… Read more →
Explore: cypher cypher queries fluent interface linked list neo4j Python Python keywords Python object query language sql
APOC: An Introduction to User-Defined Procedures and APOC
By Bryce Merkl Sasaki
July 11, 2016 10 mins read
This is the first in a series of blog posts in which I want to introduce you to Neo4j‘s user defined procedures and the APOC procedure library in particular. Besides many other cool things, of the best features of our… Read more →
Explore: APOC cypher data transfer objects database management Graph Algorithm Graph Data neo4j 3.0 query language stored procedures user-defined procedures
Neo4j Launches in the Beta Docker Store
By Bryce Merkl Sasaki
June 21, 2016 2 mins read
We’re excited to have been chosen by the team at Docker to be included as a launch partner in the brand new Docker Store. Although it is still in limited beta, we wanted to share a bit on why we’re… Read more →
Explore: cypher Docker Docker container Docker Store graph database ha high availability neo4j query language twitter
The Easiest Way to Learn Neo4j: Video Tutorials [Community Post]
By Bryce Merkl Sasaki
June 14, 2016 2 mins read
[As community content, this post reflects the views and opinions of the particular author and does not necessarily reflect the official stance of Neo4j.] The Neo4j graph database has been used by big companies and small startups alike as a… Read more →
Explore: cypher graph database graph query language label neo4j Neo4j tutorial node query language technology stack video tutorial
Cypher: How to Rewrite a UNION Query Using a COLLECT Clause
By Bryce Merkl Sasaki
May 17, 2016 5 mins read
Cypher is a declarative query language created for querying Neo4j‘s graph data. In Cypher, as in SQL, queries are built up using various clauses. One such clause is the UNION clause that we will discuss in this post. The UNION… Read more →
Explore: COLLECT cypher Cypher Query data model declarative query language neo4j ORDER BY query language sql UNION
RDBMS & Graphs: SQL vs. Cypher Query Languages
By Bryce Merkl Sasaki
March 7, 2016 10 mins read
When it comes to a database query language, linguistic efficiency matters. Querying relational databases is easy with SQL. As a declarative query language, SQL allows both for easy ad hoc querying in a database tool as well as specifying use-case… Read more →
Explore: cypher data modeling declarative query language graph database graph query language query language rdbms relational database sql sql queries
Common Confusions on Cypher (and How to Avoid Them)
By Bryce Merkl Sasaki
March 1, 2016 9 mins read
I spend a lot of my free time answering Stack Overflow questions about Cypher, Neo4j’s graph query language. Cypher is an intuitive, ASCII-art-driven language that allows you to query your property graph by specifying patterns of nodes and relationships. While… Read more →
Explore: cartesian product cypher graph database graph query language neo4j property graph query language stack overflow
Query Your World with Cypher: Focus on Data Relationships
By Bryce Merkl Sasaki
February 3, 2016 3 mins read
Editor’s Note: Last October at GraphConnect San Francisco, Nicole White – Data Scientist at Neo Technology – delivered this presentation on how to write Cypher queries for your most common connected-data questions. For more videos from GraphConnect SF and to… Read more →
Explore: cypher Data Relationships graph graph database graph pattern graph query language graphconnect neo4j query language starcraft
The 5-Minute Interview: Derek Small, Founder & CEO of Nulli
By Bryce Merkl Sasaki
December 11, 2015 3 mins read
For this week’s 5-minute interview, I sat down with Derek Small, the Founder and CEO of Nulli Identity Solution Architects, at GraphConnect San Francisco to discuss how they use Neo4j within identity management. Q: How do you guys use Neo4j… Read more →
Explore: 5-minute interview access management data modeling forgerock identity management identity solution IoT nulli query language resource authorization
Improving My CLI’s Autocomplete with Markov Chains
By Bryce Merkl Sasaki
November 18, 2015 9 mins read
[This post was originally published on Nicole White’s blog and was used with permission.] For a while I’ve been working on cycli, a command-line interface (CLI) for Neo4j‘s Cypher query language. As demonstrated below, it autocompletes on your node labels,… Read more →
Explore: cli command-line interface cypher data structure markov chain markov model markov process neo4j query language transition probability matrix
Meet openCypher: The SQL for Graphs
By Bryce Merkl Sasaki
October 21, 2015 5 mins read
If you haven’t just heard the news from my keynote presentation at GraphConnect San Francisco, you missed what I believe is going to be a defining moment not only for Neo4j but the entire world of graph technologies. Setting aside… Read more →
Explore: cypher graph query language neo4j open source opencypher Oracle query language relational database spark sparql
Cypher Webinar Follow Up
By Neo4j Staff
August 31, 2012 3 mins read
Neo4j-[:LOVES]->CypherWebinar Follow-Up Thanks to everyone for attending the Cypher webinar, I was thrilled about the attendance and the great discussions in the chat. As promised we publish this follow-up post to address questions that were not answered and provide a… Read more →
Explore: cypher graphdb query language sql