Top 10 Use Cases: Empowering Network and IT Operations Management

Discover how to leverage graph database technology for your network, data center and IT operations for stronger network security and impact analyses.


Retail & Neo4j: Network & IT Management for Retailers

In order to re-invent the value chain from linear to circular and highly connected, retailers need to modernize their IT infrastructure rapidly and cost-effectively. In addition, web-based retailers must find a way to handle scale and sophistication to remain competitive.… Read more →


The 5-Minute Interview: David Colebatch, Co-Founder of xnlogic

This week’s 5-minute interview features David Colebatch, the co-founder of LightMesh and xnlogic (a Neo4j Solutions Partner). I caught up with David at GraphConnect San Francisco. Q: Can you talk to me about your first Neo4j project? David: My first… Read more →
