Neo4j Object Mapping with GORM, Groovy and Spring Boot [Community Post]

[As community content, this post reflects the views and opinions of the particular author and does not necessarily reflect the official stance of Neo4j.] Mapping object models to the Neo4j graph in languages such as Java and Groovy may be… Read more →


Loading SQL to Neo4j Like Magic

Written by Brian Underwood, originally posted on his blog. Loading SQL to Neo4j Like Magic When using neo4j for the first time, most people want to import data from another database to start playing around. There are a lot of… Read more →


Flexible Neo4j Batch Import with Groovy

Written by Michael Hunger, originally posted on his blog. You might have data as CSV files to create nodes and relationships from in your Neo4j Graph Database. It might be a lot of data, like many tens of million lines.… Read more →


Initial release of Neo4j Grails plugin

As announced by Stefan Armbruster on the Neo4j and Grails mailing lists, the initial 0.1 version of the Neo4j Grails plugin has been released by him. Read the full announcement in this blog post. Grails is a web application framwork… Read more →


Simplified Groovy + Neo4j setup

Stig Lau wrote on using Groovy, Neo4j and Maven together.The result is a Groovy demo on top of Neo4j, distributed as a Maven archetype. Setting it up on your machine is a single Maven command. Stig concludes:Groovy just might have… Read more →


How Groovy is Neo4j?

After hearing about Neo4j at RubyManor, Robert Rees tried using it from Groovy and experienced some problems getting started. This was discussed on the Neo4j mailing list as well. Topics mentioned are the packaging of Neo4j in multiple jar files,… Read more →
