Herr der Daten


From Know Your Customer to Know Your Network: A Paradigm Shift Empowered by Neo4j

Discover how Neo4j shifted this company move to a “know your network” process to connect disparate data sources and conduct better analysis.


From Collections to Connections: Where Hadoop Adoption Goes from Here

Learn about the evolving world of big data and how the industry is increasingly interested in connecting data rather than just collecting it.


The ROI on Connected Data:
Extract More Value from Existing Data Using Graphs [+ Telia Case Study]

From LinkedIn to Facebook to Google, top companies are driving their businesses using graphs. And use cases span industries as well. What those new to graph technology may not understand is that creating a graph does not require starting from… Read more →


The ROI on Connected Data: How Connections Unlock Business Value [feat. eBay]

The value of data comes from an organization’s ability to understand it in relation to other data. By itself, data offers finite value. When connected, data’s value is infinite. Case in point: There’s a difference between knowing that a customer… Read more →
