Neo4j as an Embedded Database: When Does Embedding a Graph DB Make Sense?

Discover when it makes sense to embed a graph database into your application for added value and functionality.


This Week in Neo4j – Liquibase, Crypto Txns Breadcrumbs, Cloud Empire, Java Version Diffs, Gephi, GraphQL 2.2.0, GraphKer

Hello, everyone! This week, we’re featuring Anthony Chiboucas, a very active Neo4j Community member. Also in this issue, Florent Biville invites you to test the new tool to migrate from liquigraph to liquibase, which can help you migrate your Neo4j… Read more →


This Week in Neo4j – GraphXR, CARD, Relational vs. Graph, Azure Functions, Neo4j Spring Data 6, Load JSON, Videos Galore

Hello, everyone! We hope that some of you were able to attend the hands-on training sessions that the developer relations team members conducted last week. We had a great turnout for these sessions, which were recorded. This week, we feature… Read more →


The Secret Sauce of Neo4j: Modeling and Querying Graphs

Learn about the secret sauce of Neo4j, and understand what graphs are all about. Delve into use cases such as recommendation engines and flight data.


Conceptual Model vs Graph Model

Written by Mark Needham. Originally posted on his blog. We’ve started running some sessions on graph modelling in London and during the first session it was pointed out that the process I’d described was very similar to that when modelling… Read more →


The first GraphGist Challenge completed

Update: This post is from 2013, the GraphGist infrastructure and links have changed several times since, then. If you are looking for a particular one, please head to the GraphGist portal and search there for its title. We’re happy to… Read more →
