scissorwoman asked:
Tipp and Kid!Kika outfit swap please?
✧・゚: *HEADER DRAWN BY Gl00mxstar ✧・゚: *
Hello Hello, You can call me Miwa or Miwachan
Currently drowning in FNAF SB brain rot LMAO and focusing on my fnaf AU: Vampiric Equinox
I enjoy drawing angst ùwú and try tagging posts accordingly (but please let me know if I ever miss a tag)
Donations: Kofi
Instagram: Miwachann2
scissorwoman asked:
Tipp and Kid!Kika outfit swap please?
Anonymous asked:
Has Maw ever seen Kika hunting for herself, or drinking blood? What would his reaction be?
Both Yes (but rarely hunting)
He’s used to it and not really phased by it, Since he’s seen her drink blood and hunt since they were living on the streets.
But Kika doesn’t really drink blood in front of him if she can help it but that’s only because, Ever since he was a baby, he always just stared at her and it made her feel self-conscious about it
scissorwoman asked:
Kid Javon and Kid Kika outfit swap?
She tried to steal some fruit and jam
scissorwoman asked:
More happy moments of Kika with her friends?
Anonymous asked:
When Maw was a baby did his parents get him any toys, like how they got a doll for Kika?
scissorwoman asked:
So all the times Child!Kika got caught stealing food, and got the living crap beaten out of her, was all for Maws sake since she could just hunt for her food. Precious baby, she’s such a good sister🥺
Anonymous asked:
Did Airrock and Sasha name Maw after Kika’s doll, or did they let Kika name him? Can we see Kika meeting Maw for the first time?
Airrock and Sasha weren’t going to name him until his 2nd birthday (they did the same with Kika). That’s because, its to see how well he’d survive and to get a good idea on his personality before naming him.
Kika liked to call him a few names for fun though. like: Bup/Bub, Nim, Noodle, Potato baby, etc.. But when Kikas Village was attacked, and after she lost everything, Kika ended up calling him Maw. After the name of her favorite doll that always brought her comfort.
When calling him Maw, she didn’t sit and think about it. The name just naturally rolled off her tongue when ever she was referring/talking to her little brother
scissorwoman asked:
We haven’t seen Kyhel and Paela in a while, have you changed anything about their stories? Like do they still die, if so what EXACTLY happens to them? Sorry I’ve always really liked these characters😅