that’s Malf’s herbing hat btw
that’s Malf’s herbing hat btw
oh yeah i forgot to post this, i was like alleria’s design should be way cooler but then all i rly did was give her her old tattoos lol. and she should have scars like turalyon
and honestly like these books are really not my thing lol, im having fun discussing them but like hhhhhhh i just dislike or am uninterested in too many of the characters and magic and stuff lol. But I did draw one thing from the last book. cut for spoilers
Started reading (listening to) the Stormlight Archive series cos husband is a sando simp and male human paladin fan. luckily as a Bitch Enjoyer there are at least a couple things in here i can enjoy too
I’m about a 3rd of the way through book 3, pls no spoils 😭
Latest Moira short story is good
[mouth pressed directly onto the microphone] yes i drew this part of the book again when malfurion frees tyrande from a trap and she’s unconscious and fucked up and grody but is otherwise OK and it’s the first time he’s held her with his physical body in years and he cries bc she’s ok and he’s a huge baby and it’s very sweet
I was enjoying your old Tyrande, Malfurion and Illidan arts but I have to ask because I never read any of those books but am morbidly curious - what was going on with Azshara and Illidan and Azshara and Tyrande, what was she doing to them? 😭
Lol Azshara was basically just doing Saturday morning cartoon evil things, she’s supernaturally sexy and seduces ppl and stuff for power. Tyrande is captured cos Azshara’s forces know the Stormrage bros + Tyrande’s army are fighting against Azshara and are generally being meddling kids, plus Tyrande has just been made the new high priestess. So Azshara is just taunting her and saying she’s going to be her new slave/handmaiden, which I think is implied would actually have worked if Tyrande’s Elune levels weren’t as high as they were? Azshara’s magic is powerful enough that even her statues compel everyone including Tyrande to drop to their knees and worship her.
And then Illidan’s thing is Azshara just fucking with him after he gets Sargeras juiced. And I think with both, Azshara’s also just trying to make other peons jealous, Vashj of Tyrande and Varo'then of Illidan? She’s just being generally evil and horny. Her whole motivation for summoning Sargeras is she wants to bang someone actually worthy of her so lol
It was honestly hilarious watching your 180º with Malfurion. I still love the senile comics, you were hilariously mean to him but now watching you be truly invested in them is :3
Also send my regards to your dwarfaboo nelf.
hey i hope it's ok for me to ask your opinion on this but like, as someone who hasnt touched WoW since bfa, do you think it's worth actually getting back into playing rn for the Dragon Lore??
Nah def not for lore. DF was a welcome change post BFA+Slands suffering, but it’s been very “I have no strong feelings one way or the other”. Like, not just my reaction but the characters seemed like they felt that way too lol? Nothing really grabbed my attention. There were 4 bad protodragons, we killed 2, one Enough’d and went away, one joined our side. And our dragons I think got aspect powers again? idk