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Transform your content into high-performance graphics for email, social, and digital marketing campaigns. Connect with Mailchimp to launch in minutes.


Issuu helps creative and entrepreneurial people grow their businesses with the easiest, fastest, and most powerful way to publish and distribute content online.

Millions of creators, designers, and marketers rely on the magic of Issuu to transform static files and PDFs into high-performance digital content. Create assets in minutes for all of your channels: embeddable digital flipbooks for websites and blogs, mobile articles, plus social media stories, email graphics and more.

Issuu integrates with Mailchimp to create a seamless workflow between your content and your email campaigns. Upload a PDF to Issuu, create a GIF to add to a Mailchimp email, and export it directly to the Mailchimp Content Studio. Or link to a full-screen flipbook to immerse your audience in your ebooks, whitepapers, brochures or other publications.

Create once, share everywhere with Issuu.

How it works

Step 1 – Upload content to Issuu

Log in or create an account with Issuu. Upload your content (for example, an ebook, a newsletters or brochure), publish it, and create a GIF for your email.

Step 2 – Publish to Mailchimp

Once you’ve created your email-ready GIF, click the yellow “Export to Mailchimp” button in the upper right corner. In the pop-up window, click “Connect Mailchimp” and input your Mailchimp sign in credentials.

Step 3 – Using your Issuu assets with Mailchimp

Once you are connected with Mailchimp, your GIF will be automatically exported to the Mailchimp Content Studio. When you are ready to add them to your email campaigns, they will be waiting for you in Mailchimp.

To use a full-screen flipbook in your email campaigns, go to “fullscreen sharing” in the Issuu user interface. Choose from a variety of customization options, and once you are happy, click “Save and Get Link” under the flipbook preview. Share the link in your email campaign to send your audience directly into a distraction-free reading experience.


Connect Issuu to Mailchimp and transform your emails from static to magic Image 1 - Issuu Integration Listing

Instantly export GIFs from Issuu to Mailchimp Image 2 - Issuu Integration Listing

Open the Mailchimp Content Studio to insert Issuu GIFs into email campaigns Image 3 - Issuu Integration Listing