Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) (bibliographic)
record number for entries in the LoC bibliographic catalog (for authority records use P244)
- LCCN editions
- LoC editions
- Library of Congress Control Number (bibliographic)
- LC Control Number
- LCCN (LoC)
- Library of Congress Card Number (bibliographic)
- Congress Library Control Number
- lccnbib
Data type
External identifier
1 reference
1 reference
An LCCN has three parts, as shown at http://lccn.loc.gov/#n9 (both left and right columns): (English)
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Year: 2 digits if assigned in the years 1898-2000; 4 digits if assigned in the year 2001 or after (English)
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Serial: 1 to 6 digits; best practice is now to always type this number with 6 digits, padding the number with zeroes on the front if needed. (English)
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For records in Library of Congress Authorities (Q13219454), including titles of famous works, and names of people, use LCAuth identifier (Property:P244). (English)
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Alphabetic prefix: A possible prefix of 1 to 3 lower-case letters. (Bibliographic records after 2000 never have a prefix, but pre-2001 bibliographic records often do, and other kinds of LCCNs always do. Bibliographic records do not have prefixes n, nb, nr, ns, sh, sj, sn: use Property:P244 for those.) (English)
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On Wikidata, an optional space or hyphen may appear before the year. An optional hyphen may appear before the serial number; if the serial number is typed as less than 6 digits, the hyphen is required. The preferred and best formatting now is to remove all hyphens and spaces and insure that the serial is always 6 digits, as shown in the right column of http://lccn.loc.gov/#n9. (English)
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1 reference
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^https?:\/\/lccn\.loc\.gov\/ ((a(c|fl?|gr)?|b[irs]|c(a?d?|lc|[sxy])|do?|es?|f(i[ae]?)?|g[ms]?|h(a|e[wx]?)?|in?t|j[ax]?|kx?|l(lh|tf)?|m([ams]|ap|ed|i[cdef]|pa?|us)?|n(cn|ex?|[tu]c)|or|p([aop]|h[opq])|r[aceu]?|s(ax?|[cdfgnsu])?|t(b|mp)|u(m|nk)|w(ar)?|[xz])(\b|-)?|20)?\d\d(-\d{1,5}|(\b|-)?\d{6})\/?
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