
Search Results

Showing 1-11 of 11 results
  1. Article

    The analysis of stress distribution in tempered structural glass with stress concentrators under tension and compression

    The paper describes the results obtained from the tensile and compression experimental tests of the structural tempered glass plates with three...

    Gintas Šaučiuvėnas, Tomas Gečys, ... Czesław Miedzialowski in Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
    05 June 2020
  2. Article

    BIM-based process management model for building design and refurbishment

    A conceptual model of BIM-based design and refurbishment, based on pre-built indicators and allowing the assessment of the building energy demand and...

    Leonas Ustinovichius, Vladimir Popov, ... Czesław Miedziałowski in Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
    09 April 2018
  3. Conference paper

    The Sensitivity Analysis for Cooperative Decision by TOPSIS Method

    Quantitative multiattribute decision making methods are handy for making cooperative decisions, because the decision makers are interested in finding...
    Leonas Ustinovichius, Ruta Simanaviciene in Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering
  4. Conference paper

    Determining the Reliability of Cooperative Decisions by Sensitivity Analysis of Quantitative Multicriteria Decision Methods

    Quantitative multicriteria evaluation methods may be effectively used in decision making by a cooperative group, because its members are seeking the...
    Ruta Simanavichiene, Leonas Ustinovichius in Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering
  5. Conference paper

    The Application of Stochastic Dominance to Sensitivity Analysis in Quantitative Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM-1)

    The paper considers sensitivity of multicriteria decision making methods based on quantitative measurements and their use in determining effective...
    Leonas Ustinovichius, Ruta Simanaviciene in Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering
  6. Conference paper

    Classification of the Investment Risk in Construction

    The determination of the investment project risk is an important stage in cooperative decision-making and in choosing the most profitable project...
    Leonas Ustinovichius, Galina Shevchenko, ... Ruta Simonaviciene in Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering
  7. Conference paper

    A Particular Approach to the Analysis of Manufacturing Process Rhythmicity

    Steady pace (rhythmicity) of work is a relevant parameter reflecting the performance of production systems. A coefficient (index) of the steady pace...
    Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas, Valentinas Podvezko, ... Leonas Ustinovichius in Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering
  8. Conference paper

    Computer-Aided Modelling, Evaluation and Management of Construction Projects According to PLM Concept

    The major problem for investors in construction area is to choose the financially effective construction alternative, most often associated with...
    Darius Migilinskas, Leonas Ustinovichius in Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering
  9. Conference paper

    Verbal Analysis of Risk Elements in Construction Contracts

    The paper aims to analyse the construction contracts provided by FIDIC (International Federation of Consulting Engineers) and to determine their...
    Leonas Ustinovichius, Edmundas Zavadskas, ... Andrew Minasowicz in Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering
  10. Conference paper

    Implicit Learning System for Teaching the Art of Acute Cardiac Infarction Diagnosis

    There are two types of knowledge – declarative (theoretical) and procedural (practical skills). While the former knowledge may be acquired by reading...
    Dmitry Kochin, Leonas Ustinovichius, Victoria Sliesoraitiene in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
  11. Conference paper

    The Use of Verbal Classification for Determining the Course of Medical Treatment by Medicinal Herbs

    About 44 treatment schemes including 40 medicines prepared from Andean medicinal herbs to cure a great variety of diseases, such as cancer and other...
    Leonas Ustinovichius, Robert Balcevich, ... Ieva Sliesoraityte in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
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