In memory of Tjalling C. Koopmans Kenneth J. ArrowGeorge B. DantzigAlan Manne OriginalPaper Pages: 123 - 123
A unified framework for primal-dual methods in minimum cost network flow problems Dimitri P. Bertsekas OriginalPaper Pages: 125 - 145
The polynomial hierarchy and a simple model for competitive analysis Robert G. Jeroslow OriginalPaper Pages: 146 - 164
Solving large-scale mixed-integer programs with fixed charge variables Uwe H. Suhl OriginalPaper Pages: 165 - 182
Applications of the method of partial inverses to convex programming: Decomposition Jonathan E. Spingarn OriginalPaper Pages: 199 - 223
An only 2-step Q-superlinear convergence example for some algorithms that use reduced hessian approximations Y. Yuan OriginalPaper Pages: 224 - 231
An example of irregular convergence in some constrained optimization methods that use the projected hessian Richard H. Byrd OriginalPaper Pages: 232 - 237
A greedy algorithm for solving a class of convex programming problems and its connection with polymatroid theory G. MortonR. von RandowK. Ringwald OriginalPaper Pages: 238 - 241
On uniqueness of Kuhn-Tucker multipliers in nonlinear programming Jerzy Kyparisis OriginalPaper Pages: 242 - 246