We use Italian data from the Multipurpose Household Survey to explore how participation in social networking sites (SNS) such as Facebook and Twitter affects the most economically relevant aspect of social capital, trust. We account for measures of trust in strangers (often referred to as social trust), trust in neighbours (particularized trust) and trust in the police (institutional trust). We address endogeneity in the use of SNS by exploiting the variation in the availability of broadband for high-speed Internet, which relates to technological characteristics of the pre-existing voice telecommunication infrastructures. We find that all the forms of trust significantly decrease with participation in online networks. We discuss several interpretations of the results in light of the specific features of Internet-mediated social interaction.
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We are indebted to Angelo Antoci, Ronald F. Inglehart, Eduard Ponarin, Christopher Swader and Christian Welzel for useful comments and suggestions. The paper also benefited from comments by Anna Amalkaeva, Hermann Dülmer, Anna Nemirovskaya, Thomas H. Sander, by participants at the 3rd LCSR International Workshop (Saint Petersburg, 26–30 April 2013), at the conference ‘Cultural and Economic changes under cross-national perspective’ (Moscow, 12–16 November 2013), at the workshop ‘Social and cultural changes in comparative prospect: values and modernization’ (Moscow, 29 March–6 April 2014), at the 2014 Global Economic Symposium (Kuala Lumpur, 9 September 2014), at the workshop ‘Social capital, institutions and economic performance’ (Valencia, 24 October 2014), and at seminars in Latina, Luxembourg City, Milan, and Rome. Usual caveats apply.
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Sabatini, F., Sarracino, F. Online Social Networks and Trust. Soc Indic Res 142, 229–260 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-018-1887-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-018-1887-2