The goal of this paper is to propose a comparison of four multi-winner voting rules, k-Plurality, k-Negative Plurality, k-Borda, and Bloc. These four election methods are extensions of usual scoring rules designed for electing a single winner and are compared on the basis of two criteria. The first comparison is based on the Condorcet committee efficiency which is defined as the conditional probability for a peculiar voting rule to select the Condorcet committee, provided that such a committee exists. The second comparison is based on the likelihood of two paradoxes of committee elections: the Prior Successor Paradox and the Leaving Member Paradox, which occur when a member of an elected committee exits. Aside from these two extensions, this paper is one of the very rare contributions giving exact results under the Impartial Anonymous Culture (IAC) condition for the case of four candidates.
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The Condorcet efficiency of a single-winner voting rule is the conditional probability that this given voting rule picks out the Condorcet winner, given that such a candidate exists.
In addition to the LMP, the other paradox described by Staring (1986) in his original paper is the Increasing Committee Size Paradox (ICSP) which occurs if, by increasing the target size k, we can find that the candidates that are elected in the committees change for each k. Under some conditions, both committees may be totally disjoint. Notice that, for the constant scoring rule as voters cast votes for their k most preferred candidates, Kamwa (2013) provided the probability of the ICSP when the size of a committee increases from 1 to 2 in three-candidate elections under the IAC condition as a function of the number of voters. Mitchell and Trumbull (1992) considered slightly more general voting methods: to select the k members of the committee, each voter cast votes for their \(k^*\) most preferred candidates. Two particular paradoxes are then considered using Monte–Carlo simulations under different assumptions, including the IC hypothesis. The first paradox is a version of the ICSP in which a candidate is elected under a vote for \(k^*\) candidates procedure, and then that candidate is not elected for larger values of \(k^*\). The second paradox considered in Mitchell and Trumbull (1992) occurs when the Condorcet winner is not selected among the k members of the committee.
Also called Single Nontransferable Vote (SNTV).
Approval voting (AV) is a voting procedure in which voters may vote for as many candidates as they wish. It asks each voter to distinguish the candidates she approves of from the ones she considers as unacceptable. The alternative with the highest degree of approbation is then selected. The proponents of this voting procedure (e.g., Brams (1980); Brams and Fishburn (1978, 2005); Fishburn and Brams (1981)) discussed several advantages that it has over other electoral systems.
Bloc is equivalent to k-Plurality and k-Negative Plurality when \(k=1\) and \(k=m-1\), respectively.
IC is a second well-known model which considers the set of all preference profiles as a sample space where a voter preference profile identifies the specific preference ranking that each voter has on the candidates. In other words, when strict preferences over the set of m candidates are assumed, the IC assumption (Guilbaud 1952) assumes that each voter is equally likely to pick any of the m! preferences. Notice that individual voter’s preferences are not anonymous under IC condition while they are under IAC assumption. In addition, in the IC model, the votes are totally independent whereas under IAC, the votes are correlated in a specific way. So, moving from IC to IAC allows to evaluate the impact of introducing some degree of homogeneity in voters’ preferences on the probability of paradoxes.
We can also generate simulations with more than six candidates. However, this option is ignored since these simulations cannot affect the conclusions that we obtain in our paper with 3, 4, 5, and 6 candidates. In other words, the behaviour of voting rules is the same for more than 6 candidates.
We would like to thank an anonymous referee to an earlier version of this paper for pointing out this useful formula.
\(x_3\) is a Condorcet loser: a candidate that loses all head-to-head comparisons with other candidates.
Our volumes are found with the use of the algorithm implemented in Gawrilow and Joswig (2000).
We can also generate simulations with 1,000,000 voters and 1,000,000 elections or more. We have ignored this option since, even with 100,000 voters and 100,000 elections, our results guarantee a very low margin of error. We give another argument of the choice of 100,000 voters and 100,000 elections in footnote 13.
In this framework, one supposes that voters keep their preferences unchanged over the rest of candidates no matter the candidate who leaves the elected committee.
This is important since for each paradox the event describing the first probability and the second one are not disjoint.
Evidently, for \(m=5\) and \(m=6\), we are not interested in the ranking neither between candidates in the committee nor between the candidates not in the committee, with the exception of the prior successor.
In other words, the reduced profile defining the preferences of voters over the rest of candidates will be unchanged in comparison with the original one, with \(x_1\) removed.
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The authors wish to express gratitude to Professor Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard, Associate Editor, as well as two anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions to improve the quality of the paper. The first author gratefully acknowledges financial support by the National Agency for Research (ANR)—research program “Dynamic Matching and Interactions: Theory and Experiments” (DynaMITE) ANR-BLANC.
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Diss, M., Doghmi, A. Multi-winner scoring election methods: Condorcet consistency and paradoxes. Public Choice 169, 97–116 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11127-016-0376-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11127-016-0376-x