This paper presents a method for indexing activities of daily living in videos acquired from wearable cameras. It addresses the problematic of analyzing the complex multimedia data acquired from wearable devices, which has been recently a growing concern due to the increasing amount of this kind of multimedia data. In the context of dementia diagnosis by doctors, patient activities are recorded in the environment of their home using a lightweight wearable device, to be later visualized by the medical practitioners. The recording mode poses great challenges since the video data consists in a single sequence shot where strong motion and sharp lighting changes often appear. Because of the length of the recordings, tools for an efficient navigation in terms of activities of interest are crucial. Our work introduces a video structuring approach that combines automatic motion based segmentation of the video and activity recognition by a hierarchical two-level Hidden Markov Model. We define a multi-modal description space over visual and audio features, including mid-level features such as motion, location, speech and noise detections. We show their complementarities globally as well as for specific activities. Experiments on real data obtained from the recording of several patients at home show the difficulty of the task and the promising results of the proposed approach.
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This work is partly supported by a grant from the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) with reference ANR-09-BLAN-0165-02, within the IMMED project.
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Karaman, S., Benois-Pineau, J., Dovgalecs, V. et al. Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model in detecting activities of daily living in wearable videos for studies of dementia. Multimed Tools Appl 69, 743–771 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-012-1117-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-012-1117-x