This paper contains a survey on aspects of visual event computing. We start by presenting events and their classifications, and continue with discussing the problem of capturing events in terms of photographs, videos, etc, as well as the methodologies for event storing and retrieving. Later, we review an extensive set of papers taken from well-known conferences and journals in multiple disciplines. We analyze events, and summarize the procedure of visual event actions. We introduce each component of a visual event computing system, and its computational aspects, we discuss the progress of each component and review its overall status. Finally, we suggest future research trends in event computing and hope to introduce a comprehensive profile of visual event computing to readers.
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We appreciate for the great help from the colleagues of Queen’s University Belfast(QUB): Prof. Danny Crookes, Dr. Weiru Liu, Dr. Paul Miller, and Dr. Xiwu Gu etc. This work was partially supported by QUB research project: Unusual event detection in audio-visual surveillance for public transport (NO.D6223EEC).
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Yan, W., Kieran, D.F., Rafatirad, S. et al. A comprehensive study of visual event computing. Multimed Tools Appl 55, 443–481 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-010-0560-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-010-0560-9