We study numerical integration of Lipschitz functionals on a Banach space by means of deterministic and randomized (Monte Carlo) algorithms. This quadrature problem is shown to be closely related to the problem of quantization and to the average Kolmogorov widths of the underlying probability measure. In addition to the general setting, we analyze, in particular, integration with respect to Gaussian measures and distributions of diffusion processes. We derive lower bounds for the worst case error of every algorithm in terms of its cost, and we present matching upper bounds, up to logarithms, and corresponding almost optimal algorithms. As auxiliary results, we determine the asymptotic behavior of quantization numbers and Kolmogorov widths for diffusion processes.
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Creutzig, J., Dereich, S., Müller-Gronbach, T. et al. Infinite-Dimensional Quadrature and Approximation of Distributions. Found Comput Math 9, 391–429 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10208-008-9029-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10208-008-9029-x
- Quadrature problem
- Randomized algorithm
- Minimal error
- Wasserstein distance
- Functional quantization
- Average Kolmogorov width
- Multilevel Monte Carlo algorithm